While checking in online for "RusLine" flights you can get on the plane with an electronic boarding pass using the QR-code. Learn more about airports equipped with QR-readers here.
Unfortunately, not all the airports support self on-line check-in. Click "Check-in procedure". to familiarize with comprehensive list of accessible airports.
It takes about 40 minutes to upload your data to the system after the successful payment and issuing the ticket.
Check-in of passengers and baggage on flights at the airport opens 1 hour 40 minutes before the departure time for domestic flight and 3 hours before the departure time for international flights. Some airports fix the time individually.
Check-in of passengers and baggage on flights at the airport closes 40 minutes before the departure time of the aircraft according to the schedule.
On-line check-in opens 36 hours before the departure time and closes 1 hour 30 minutes before the departure time of the aircraft.
For details click
«On-line check-in».
To enter the flight number, follow the rule. EXAMPLE: Your flight is 7R-555, you have to enter 555.
«C» seats are intended and primarily used for passengers with children under two years old. You may change the seat. Follow the algorithm: click «Data», «Change the seat». NOTE, in case of check-out the repeated check-in is available at the airport only.
If you have no power to print boarding pass independently, this service is available at the airport, but not later than 40 minutes before the departure time.
Passengers with no baggage shall arrive at the airport of departure before the boarding closing time for the flight. Passengers with baggage need to drop off their baggage at the airport not later than 50 minutes before departure time.
Carrier recommends arriving to airport 1hour 30 minutes before the departure time appeared in your itinerary receipt to go through all airports’ formalities (security, passport, custom controls).
Passengers who are late for check-in\boarding may be denied carriage on the corresponding flight. Changing the ticket can be provided if the carrier is notified prior to the termination of the time for check-in of passengers for the flight specified in the ticket. For details click «Change my ticket».
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