The civil liability of JSC "RusLine" Aviation Company is insured under contract No. 21AVK0196 of compulsory insurance of civil liability of the carrier to the passenger of the aircraft dated 13.12.2021. The contract is valid until 13.12.2022.
For detailed information, please contact JSC «SOGAZ» employee:
Marina Sivitskaya
Head of aviation and space risks insurance
Tel.: (495) 739-21-40, äîá. 2768
In case of occurrence of an insured event, contact The head office or the nearest branch office of JSC «SOGAZ» at addresses pointed on its web-site.
The head office:
107078, 10, Academician Sakharov prospect, Moscow
Telephone numbers: (495) 780-78-80, 739-21-40, 539-29-00
Fax: (495) 739-21-39
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