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List of hazardous substances prohibited for carriage and the order of withdrawal

HomeInformationTerms and conditions of air carriageList of hazardous substances prohibited for carriage and the order of withdrawal

The following hazardous substances and items are prohibited for carriage inside the baggage as well as hand luggage of both passengers and crew members:

List of evolutionary documentations (last updated order 29.11.2010 N 267 by The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation)

1. Explosive substances and items stuffed with them:

    • Propellant explosive in any packages and any amount.
    • Ammunition as well as small caliber cartridges.
    • Ammunition for gas spray gun.
    • Hunting caps.
    • Pyrotechnics: signal and illumination flares, signal cartridges, planting bombs, smoke cartridges (explosion cartridge), Bengal light, sparklers, firecrackers rail.
    • TNT, dynamite, TNT, ammonal and other explosives.
    • Blasting cap, electro detonators, electric spark, and detonating fuse, etc.

2. Compressed and liquefied gases:

    • Gas for domestic use (butane-propane), etc...;
    • Nerve and tear effects gas cylinders, etc.;

3. Flammable liquids:

    • acetone;
    • petrol;
    • samples of flammable petroleum products;
    • methanol;
    • methyl (methyl ester);
    • carbon disulfide;
    • ethers;
    • etiltsellozola;

4. Flammable solids:

    • Substances subject to spontaneous combustion;
    • Substances that emit flammable gases in contact with water: potassium, sodium, calcium, iron and their alloys, calcium, phosphorous, etc..;
    • Phosphorus, white, yellow and red, and all other substances belonging to the category of flammable solids;

5. Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides:

    • colloidal nitrocellulose in granules or flakes, dry or wet, containing less than 25% water or solvent;
    • nitrocellulose colloid, in the piece, wet, containing less than 25% alcohol;
    • dry or wet nitrocellulose containing less than 30% or 20% solvent, water, etc .;

6. Toxic substances;

7. Radioactive materials;

8. Caustic and corrosive substances:

    • strong inorganic acids: hydrochloric, sulfuric, nitric and the like;
    • hydrofluoric (hydrofluoric) acid and other strong acids and corrosive substances;

9. Poisonous and toxic substances:

    • any toxic potent and toxic substances in the liquid or solid state, packaged in any container;
    • brucine;
    • nicotine;
    • strychnine;
    • tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol;
    • antifreeze;
    • brake fluid;
    • ethylene glycol;
    • quicksilver, with the exception of quicksilver contained in medical thermometres, a quicksilver tonometer in a standard case, a quicksilver barometer or a quicksilver pressure gauge packed in an airtight container and sealed with a seal of the sender;
    • all salts of hydrocyanic acid and cyanide preparations;
    • cyclone black cyanide, arsenious anhydride, etc.;
    • other hazardous substances, items and goods which can be used as a weapon of attack on the passengers, the crew of the aircraft, as well as endangering the aircraft.

10. Weapons: pistols, revolvers, rifles, carbines and other fire, gas, pneumatic weapon, electroshock devices, daggers, stilettos, bayonets-knives, except in cases and in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

For more details, please refer to the Technical Instructions for the Safe Transport of Dangerous Goods by Air(Doc 9284 AN/905 ICAO).

Order of withdrawal and storage, sale or destruction\liquidation of hazardous substances, items and goods that are prohibited for air transportation

    • Discovered in passenger hand luggage (luggage) dangerous substances and items prohibited for carriage by air, must be withdrawn.
    • A special paper-form of withdrawal must be completed and registered in the prescribed manner.
    • Withdrawn hazardous substances and objects, which are commercially available, but are prohibited for carriage on civil aircraft (gas cylinders, gas cans, flammable paint products, substances and household items that do not have standard factory package, and T n .), may be given back to person seeing passenger off at the airport or stored in special rooms.
    • Discovered gas guns, gas cartridges, which are not supported with required documentation and licences shall be transferred to the Internal Affairs Agencies in the manner specified by the applicable legislation of the Russian Federation.
    • Dangerous substances and articles (weapons, ammunition, explosives, blasting agents, explosives, narcotics, toxic, poisonous, radioactive substances, and so on. N.) discovered in passenger’s baggage or hand luggage incur denied boarding and further criminal liability. Authorized security guides give the passenger in charge together with a completed paper-form of withdrawal and withdrawn items.

Passengers and Cabin Baggage - LIST OF PROHIBITED ARTICLES
Regulation (EU) 2015/1998, Attachment 4-C

Regulation (EU) 2015/1998, Attachment 4-C

Without prejudice to applicable safety rules, passengers are not permitted to carry the following articles into security restricted areas and on board an aircraft:

а) Guns, firearms and other devices that discharge projectiles - devices capable, or appearing capable, of being used to cause serious injury by discharging a projectile, including:
pistols, revolvers, rifles, shotguns, toy guns and replicas capable of being mistaken for real weapons Compressed air and CO2 guns, Pellet guns, component parts of fire arms, cross bows and arrows Signal flare and starter pistols, harpoon and spear guns slingshots and catapults.

b) Stunning devices - devices designed specifically to stun or immobilize, including:
stun guns, stun batons, mace, tear gas, tasers other disabling and incapacitating gases and sprays like animal repellent, capsicum and acid sprays animal stunners and animal killers.

с) Objects with a sharp point or sharp edge, capable of being used to cause serious injury:
ice picks and axes, knives with blades of more than 6 cm, Razor blades, Martial arts equipment, Swords and sabres, box cutters, hatchets, bolt and nail guns, Cleavers, Scissors with blades of more than 6 cm as measured from the fulcrum.

d) Workmen's tools-tools capable of being used either to cause serious Injury or to threaten the safety of aircraft, including:
crowbars, Drills and Saws including cordless portable power tools, Blowtorches, tools with a blade or shaft of more than 6 cm.

e) Blunt instruments - objects capable of being used to cause injury when used to hit, including:
baseball and softball bats, Clubs and batons, billy clubs, blackjacks, Night sticks, Martial arts equipment

f) Explosives and incendiary substances and devices capable, or appearing capable, of being used to cause serious injury or to pose a threat to the safety of aircraft, including:
ammunition, Blasting caps, detonators and fuses, replica or imitation explosive devices, Mines, grenades and other explosive military stores, Fireworks and other pyrotechnics, Smoke-generating canisters and smoke-generating cartridges, Dynamite, gunpowder and plastic explosives.

Regulation (EU) 2015/1998, Attachment 5-В

Passengers are not permitted to carry the following articles in their hold baggage:

Explosives and incendiary substances and devices capable of being used to cause serious injury or to pose a threat to the safety of aircrafts, including:
ammunition, blasting caps, detonators and fuses, mines, grenades and other military explosives Fireworks and pyrotechnics smoke-generating canisters and smoke-generating cartridges Dynamite gunpowder, and plastic explosives.

Regulation (EU) 2015/1998, Attachment 5-В

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